Breakfast – the Secret to better health

Breakfast – the Secret to better health

Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. Some people wake up hungry and ready to eat, while others do not. Here are some of the reasons why a small snack like a banana or a piece of wheat toast will help jump-start your day and boost your overall health.

Ayurveda is all about breakfast. It is believed that how you begin your day defines how you will feel for the rest of the day. Skipping breakfast especially irritates Sadhaka Pitta, a Pitta sub dosha. Balanced Sadhaka Pitta, brings joy and contentment. An imbalanced Sadhaka Pitta can lead to irritability and unsettled emotions.

Fill Up Your Energy

You will never drive the car for several hours after the fuel light is illuminated. The same applies to your body. Your body is drained of energy, or power when you wake up in the morning. Eating early in the day helps to fill the body’s energy requirement and prepares it for the day ahead.

Breakfast also provides the brain with glucose, which has been shown to improve memory. Most significantly, breakfast delivers vital nutrients to our bodies first thing in the morning.

Can Assist in Weight Loss

Although no proof skipping breakfast helps you lose weight, eating breakfast will help you curb your appetite and make healthier choices during the day.

So, what are you going to eat? The best foods include protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

Promotes Heart Health

Breakfast and heart health are closely connected. When you ignore breakfast, you increase the risk of developing conditions like obesity and diabetes, which can lead to heart disease. Eating a nutrient-dense breakfast is a perfect way to start the day by giving your heart a lift. It also aids in the acceleration of the metabolism, which burns calories and reduces the chances of overeating later in the day.

Regulates Blood Sugar

Breakfast avoidance may have a detrimental effect on blood sugar levels. Not eating before lunch will affect your body’s ability to digest carbohydrates. Skipping breakfast regularly causes inflammation, which may discourage the body from using its own insulin.

If you have diabetes, ignoring breakfast may have an even greater impact on your body.

What’s the best breakfast for each Dosha

Vata Dosha–

Vata is the dosha or body type that is cold, light, dry, and nervous. When Vata energy is strong, you can experience dry skin, cracking joints, constipation, indecision, scattered energy, and/or cold hands and feet.

Vata does best with warm, wet, unctuous, and hydrating foods. Root vegetables, which grow beneath the soil, are ideal for Vata.

Serve cooked grains with sliced walnuts, banana, chia, cinnamon, and cardamom. Breakfast should be warm and rich because you will need something to ground and stabilize you. Serve with a hot cup of turmeric golden milk and no smoothies! They are too cooling for your body type and can cause you to feel bloated, constipated, and nervous during the day.

Pitta Dosha–

Pitta is the body type or dosha that is hot, sweaty, oily, and irritable. Oily skin, headaches, loose stools, irritation, skin rashes, inflammation, and pain are all symptoms of high Pitta energy.

Try some coconut milk overnight oats with raw almonds, goji berries, cinnamon, and sliced apples, or a green smoothie. Breakfast should be refreshing and bright. Avoid eating eggs and bacon, which can cause the digestive system to work hard.

Pitta thrives on foods that are cold, clean, juicy, high in fiber, and lightly spiced. Pitta-friendly foods include millet, green algae, fish, sea vegetables, and lentils, which are rich in protein but low in fat.

And there’s no coffee! They cause too much heat in your system, leaving you agitated, overheated, and acidic during the day.

Kapha Dosha–

The body form or dosha known as Kapha is cool, heavy, slow, and congested. If your Kapha energy is strong, you’ll have water retention, a slow metabolism, lethargy, and/or poor blood circulation.

Warm, light, high-fiber, well-spiced foods fit Kapha the best. Above-ground foods and herbs like cabbage, spicy sprouts, lentils, and asparagus are excellent for Kapha.

Fresh fruit, especially berries and pineapple, or a green smoothie are good options (no bananas and avocado). Breakfast should be light and is completely optional. There’s no need to feed if you’re not hungry. Wait until the body is ready to eat before eating. A cup of tea or a glass of lemon water is a perfect option.

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