Ayurveda approaches to healthy hair

Ayurveda approaches to healthy hair

The different strategies and approaches to healthy hair will be discussed here. We’ll discuss foods, herbs, massages, and yoga practices that can help you maintain your hair, as well as how to treat hair loss.

Everyone likes perfect, healthy hair, but some of us may be suffering from hair loss or other hair imbalances or problems.

Today, we’ll talk about how to take care of our hair and keep it healthy. When we think of hair loss in Ayurveda, we generally think of it as a condition of excess Vata or Pitta. Whenever there is excess pitta or heat in the body. So generally, Whenever there is dry heat in the body, it may lead to hair loss.

But then once again, identifying, which part of it is pitta or which part of it is Vata. So generally looking into hair loss, You will see that whenever there is excess hair loss from around the top of the head or whenever people talk about a receding hairline that is mostly to do with excess heat in the body. But on the other hand, if people talk about hair loss, which may start around the ear, or going to the back of the head, that is usually a Vata or dryness-related hair loss. So now, first of all, understanding, if someone were to suffer from hair loss, how to correct that?

First of all, get rid of the dry heat from the body. Sometimes in Ayurveda, we also believe that excess heat in the body May also starts drying the body, so the aim is to reduce that pita or fire in the body.

Now, looking into the various approaches that can helps in hair growth/hair care


First of all, looking at food. Now, whenever we talk about food, the kind of foods that you should avoid, are usually something that may increase the Heat.

Foods are those which are either very spicy or very salty or very sour, so spicy salty and sour foods should either be avoided or minimized but on the other hand something sweet but sweet being natural sweets or bitter or astringent taste.

So whenever we say natural sweets, therefore natural, sweet fruits. And when we say bitter or astringent, usually these A green vegetables, either in form of smoothies or soups. These are good to get rid of heat from the body.

Not only that one other choice that is good to help prevent or stop hair Loss is the aloe vera juice. Aloe vera is known for its bitter yet, cleansing properties. So aloe vera also helps to get rid of that excess heat from the body.


Now, looking into the massages, Or what are the different things that we can do to the scalp or hair to help prevent hair loss. The treatments in Ayurveda called Shirodhara and talapothichil are very useful in preventing the problems related to hair.

Ayurveda HERBs

One other simple thing that you can do throughout the day without really putting in, a lot of effort is to have any tea or herbal tea, that helps to reduce that heat in the body.

A pita reducing tea Usually with herbs like Saffron or cardamom or fennel is really good to get rid of, that excess heat from the body and therefore also prevent hair loss.

In amla or the Indian Gooseberry which is known for its vitamin C content. And therefore this also helps to heal or even regenerate the hair follicles.

The three important herbs that will help to either prevent hair loss or up to a point even correct hair loss. First of all, Triphala as, you know, Triphala, a Cornerstone Herb in Ayurveda, and is known for its cleansing and Detoxifying properties and effects. Therefore, it not only helps to get rid of the toxins but also the excess heat from the body.

Sometimes, you may notice that if you are suffering from hair loss and that constipation or perhaps sluggish stools, then Triphala is the herb that you need to take. Because along with getting rid of those toxins from the stools, through flower will also have to get it off the heat from the body.

And the next one is turmeric That is good in preventing or correcting hair loss. As we all know that. Turmeric is known for its culinary properties or qualities, but turmeric has got very good ayurvedic properties and helping to strengthen and nourish and rejuvenate the hair follicles. Turmeric is of course taken either one or two times every day, because it may come in capsule form. Or the best way to take turmeric isn’t warm milk.

And the next one is Brahmi, Brahmi is known for its nourishing Qualities not only on the body but also the nervous system, Brahmi helps to get rid of that excess heat from the nervous system and therefore through its cooling qualities. It will also help to prevent hair loss, not only that Brahmi also helps to get rid of that excess heat from the hair follicles.

Now, when we talk about fire, what we have to remember is that whenever there is excess heat or fire, in the body, it always travels up to the head and from there it is believed that if it gets too much and if you don’t get rid of it, then the Heat, will start melting the fat tissue around the hair follicles and therefore cause hair loss.


In terms of yoga, there are a few Yoga practices, yoga exercises, or perhaps breathing exercises, that will help to prevent or correct, head loss.

And of course, as I was saying earlier, Whenever there is excess heat of the fire in the body it travels up to the head. And from that point of view, what you have to remember is If you want to prevent hair loss, you have to avoid any inverted positions and therefore anything like headstands or shoulder stands or the downward-facing dog or any position where, you know that the head is going to be going down to the flow, you have to avoid them because in that way you’re going to be avoiding excess heat.

Also traveling up to the head. Now in terms of sequences, the moon salutations also known as a Chandra namaskar Are very good to help prevent hair loss and of course, as a word goes Moon salutation. That means you saluting to the Moon, not on your to the outside, but you’re also helping to get rid of that excess heat inside the body too. So, even if you can do two or three rounds of the moon, salutations regularly that will help.


When we look into the breathing exercises, any cooling breathing exercises, the first and the most important one is

Is the alternate nostril, breathing. As you know, this is an exercise where you alternate breathing in and out from both the nostrils. But the most important thing is the retaining of the breath. The longer you retain the breath, inside the body, the cooler, it becomes. This exercise is also really good to help reduce that excess heat from the body and of course, through that help to prevent hair loss.

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