Ayurveda dosha types ? and how to balance

Ayurveda dosha types ? and how to balance

Ayurveda Dosha : In case of ayurveda, ayurveda believes that the body depends on thease three doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Ayurveda is the philosophy of life, founded on ancient Hindu scriptures called The Vedas, and is still the primary medical care method used in modern-day India today. The theory of Ayurveda is that the human body consists of the five elements of earth air, fire, water, and either.

Ayurveda’s approach to health takes into account individual body types called doshas. All of which have specific correlating elements. Your Dosha is your own unique inherent physical Constitution given to you at Birth. There are typically three different body type categories or doshas that people fall into.

These are referred to as Vata Pitta and Kapha body types. It is believed that when these doshas, also referred to as Prakriti, are in proper equilibrium one can achieve optimal health, inherent energy levels, and state of well-being.

Most individuals typically have one predominant Dosha and varying proportions of the other two, with different needs. Each of these individual forms of the constitutional body in terms of optimum food, exercise, and living environments to which they are best suited.

vata dosha and tips for balane vata dosha

Vata Dosha

Vata type peoples are slim, energetic have a fast metabolism, and clear veins. If Vata dosha is the dominant life force, imbalance in Vata dosha causes disorders such as anxiety, asthma, heart disease, skin problems, and rheumatoid arthritis are more likely to develop and the elements of Vata are air, and either.

Vata controls all of the mental and body movements.and it regulates blood flow, waste disposal, respiration, and mind.

Tips for Balancing Ayurveda Vata Dosha

  1. Ayurvedic body massage with sesame oil (Abhyanga)
  2. Stay warm in cool and windy weather
  3. Early bedtime, lots of rest.
  4. Cook with liberal quantities of the sesame oil. Ghee, butter, coconut oil, and olive oil are fine too.
  5. Choose warm, oily, salty, sour, and sweet tastes as well as soothing and satisfying foods.
  6. Reduce light, dry, cold foods and pungent, and bitter tastes.
  7. Maintain a regular daily routine
  8. Stay warm in cold, windy weather.
  9. Get to bed before 10 PM
  10. Avoid alcohol, caffeinated beverages, and chocolate

Since Pitta and Kapha can not move without it, Vata is regarded as the leader of the body’s three Ayurvedic Principles. That’s why Keeping the Vata in good balance is very essential.

ayurveda pitta dosha and how  to balance pitta dosha

Pitta Dosha

Pitta dosha regulates your digestion, metabolism, and certain hormones connected with your appetite. Eating sour or spicy foods, and spending too much time in the sun, are items that can interrupt it.

If your primary life force is pitta dosha, You are more likely to experience diseases such as, respiratory disease, high blood pressure, and infections. Pitta types are passionate tend to run hot and have good muscle development. The pita element is fire.

Tips for Balancing Ayurveda Pitta Dosha

  1. Keep cool. Avoid hot temperatures and food.
  2. Choose cool, heavy, dry foods and sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes.
  3. Reduce salty, pungent, sour tastes and warm, oily, and light foods.
  4. Allow for leisure time.
  5. Regular mealtimes, especially lunch.
  6. Daily ayurvedic body massage(Abhyanga) with a cooling oil such as coconut.
ayurveda kapha dosha and how to balance them

Kapha Dosha

Kapha dosha is responsible for muscle growth, body strength and stability, weight, and immune system control.

Sleeping during the day, eating too many sweet foods, and eating or drinking things that contain too much salt or water may disturb your Kapha dosha

If it’s your main life energy, due to the imbalance in Kapha dosha causes asthma and other breathing disorders, cancer, diabetes, nausea after eating, and obesity.

Kapha Constitutions are characterized by people with thick, smooth skin that easily gains weight and is very grounded with slow metabolism by nature. The Kapha element is water and Earth.

Tips for balancing Ayurveda Kapha Dosha

  1. Foods with pungent, bitter, or astringent in taste are good for Kapha constitution.
  2. Add more heating spice like chili, black pepper, ginger, cinnamon, and cumin.
  3. Whole, freshly cooked foods.
  4. Light, dry, and warm foods.
  5. Honey is good for balancing Kapha Dosha.
  6. Add a minimal amount of high-quality corn, sesame, sunflower oil, or ghee in your daily diet.
  7. Routine times for your meals.
  8. Warm drinks.
  9. Lots of veggies.
  10. Eating your meal in a peaceful environment.

To customise a Dosha balancing diet with the list of foods and ayurvedic herbs recommended for your specific constitution, it is necessary to understand your property or body type. This is considered a preventive approach to health as it helps create greater balance in your daily lives.

Often, seeking advice from a qualified Ayurveda practitioner who can further assess your individual constitution and specific health problems is also helpful.

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