triphala : a true blessing of ayurveda

triphala : a true blessing of ayurveda

Triphala one of the most famous ayurvedic combinations and all over the world. which has been used for over 2,000 years in ayurvedic medicine. You can find it in the tablets one in the powder form. Triphala is actually a Sanskrit word, an powerful ancient ayurvedic remedy composed of three dried fruits. 

If we divide this Triphala word we get two more words. Tri-phala, Tri means 3 and Phala means fruits. That means Triphala is an ayurvedic combination of three different fruits that are native to India:

Indian gooseberry (Amla)

The first fruit in Triphala is amla also known as Indian Gooseberry. It is the richest source of vitamin C, and its good for eyes, ears, and skin. it’s very rich in antioxidants enhances the functioning of the liver, and assimilation of nutrients that it’s a natural blood cleanser and is effective and lowering hypertension, also used in the treatment of infections that Target the eyes and the lungs, maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Black myrobalan ( Haritaki)

The second component is HaritakiHaritaki supports the body’s natural cleansing process by gently removing toxins that accumulate in the colon also It revitalizes all tissues and organs, supports respiratory health and it’s been used as a treatment for asthma and bronchitis as well as infectious diseases like pulmonary tuberculosis.

Effective in treating the common cold increasing digestive fire and our ability to absorb and assimilate nutrients as well as treating persistent cases of hemorrhoids The miraculous herb balances all the three doshas mainly Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Belleric myrobalan (Bibhitaki)

Third component Bibhitaki, it’s known in Hindi as the fruit that dispels the fear of disease, where the fruit of the tree is used as a treatment for common ailments like bacterial and viral infections, also commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat diabetes and blood sugar dysregulation. 

 It also helps to reduce inflammation in the eyes and has been traditionally used as a natural treatment for hair loss. It’s also anti-parasitic detoxifying and strengthens the immune system.

why triphala is important in ayurveda

Some people confident While others are all nervous and some people are naturally like the heart has some have a tendency towards depression and other people get angry very easily. So as a result of our personal Constitution, which may be similar or very different from other people.

That we know common diets, medicine, lifestyle doesn’t ever work exactly in the same way for everybody and it’s also why we need to eat, medicate, exercise and rest in a way that supports us .

Triphala is one of the best Ayurveda formulas that’s been very popular throughout India for a very long time. It’s an important part of Ayurveda because it’s suitable for all different constitution types in Ayurveda. 

It’s also classified as a Rasayana in Ayurveda which means it’s a powerful restorative medicine that treats numerous common health conditions and it offers excellent Preventive support in warding off sickness before it takes hold in the body. 

It revives and detoxifies all body tissues and fluids support the vital organs, increases digestive fire, cleanses the entire gastrointestinal tract, regulates blood sugar, blood pressure, serum cholesterol and is also a Pulmonary tonic that supports respiratory health. 

The health benefits and uses of Triphala.

1. Constipation is one of the main causes of disease as the body will not be able to assimilate nutrients properly. Triphala can be used as a digestive tonic this naturally gets rid of constipation.

2. Reduce bad cholesterol and arterial plaque.

3. It is also very rich in vitamin C and therefore boosts the immune system helping the body to fight infections and diseases.

4. Promotes better blood flow and reduces the risk of blood pressure spikes.

5 . Prevents viral and bacterial infections.

6. Reduces bad breath problems

7. Help to make the skin softer and moisturized.

8. Speeds up the metabolism.

9. Triphala also helps the eye muscles to become stronger and improves eyesight. It has been used to cure glaucoma and conjunctivitis.

10. Helps the body to produce collagen and causes the skin to absorb nutrients effectively.

11. Cleanses the skin from toxins and bacteria.

12. Excellent for improving blood circulation nutrient absorption and liver cleansing.

13. Speeds up the healing process of the body from all kinds of injuries diseases and infections

14. Reduce inflammation in the throat and phonics.

15. Clears up inflammation bleeding and infections in the mouth 

16. Prevents the hair will also be strengthened the hair

17. Enhance mental clarity and memory.

18. Purifies the blood, eliminates all toxins from the body

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