Yoga for constipation: 7 Quick-relieving postures

We are all aware that yoga has a variety of health benefits. As a result, an increasing number of people are turning to yoga. But many people do not know exactly how to do yoga. However, the truth is that doing yoga for health care is not harmful in any way. Nowadays digestive problems often challenge you. But care must be taken to find a solution to this problem.

While yoga may not be the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to constipation relief, there is some evidence that it can. Some yoga positions can aid in the maintenance of a healthy digestive system. It can also help with constipation and the movement of feces and gas through the digestive tract. More information on yoga positions to help with constipation may be found here. However, you should seek the advice of a qualified yoga instructor before doing it on your own. Let’s have a look at some yoga poses.

Half spinal twist

half spinal twist pose for constipation_elephant pass ayurveda kerala

Half Spinal Twist As the name suggests, this is a yoga pose that bends the spine. This should be done while sitting on a yoga mat or other soft surface. For that, sit cross-legged. Then bend the right leg: Place the right foot on the ground outside the left foot. Bend the left leg and place it below or near the buttocks. Place the left hand or elbow above or above the right knee. Hold your breath for a while. Then do the same on the left.

Supine Spleen Twist

supine spinal twist pose for constipation_elephant pass ayurveda kerala

This is another yoga posture where the spine is flexed. Lie down first for that.  Then spread your arms out to the sides. Bend over the upright leg the other leg. Do this for a few seconds while holding your breath. Then do the same thing on the other side.

Wind relieving pose

wind relieving pose for constipation_elephant pass ayurveda kerala

The wind-relieving pose is an easy pose for beginners to help expel gas associated with constipation. Let’s take a look at what to look for in order to do this pose. Lie on your knees with your chest raised. Wrap your arms around your knees. Care should be taken to keep the head as high as possible above the knees. The knees should be pressed against the chest. Take a few breaths and exhale.

Bow Pose

bow pose for constipation_elephant pass ayurveda kerala

This pose strengthens all the abdominal muscles. According to the Yoga Institute, this pose is best for those who suffer from gas and digestive problems. This is because it puts pressure on the abdomen and improves your health. This is one of the more advanced poses. Lie on your back to do this. Bend the knees. Return with the hands and hold the ankles tightly. Slowly lift the chest off the floor until comfortable. Doing this for a while can eliminate the problem of constipation.

crescent lunge twist

crescent lunge twist pose for constipation_elephant pass ayurveda kerala

The crescent lunge twist is a yoga pose that a person should do to find a solution to constipation. This will help promote bowel movements. To do this, bend the right leg to one side and move the left leg forward. Fold the arms and slowly bend the upper body towards the right knee and lift the left shoulder. Hold your breath for a few moments. Then stand up straight. Then do the same on the other side.

cobra Pose

cobra pose for constipation_elephant pass ayurveda and yoga retreat kerala

Cobra pose does not need to bend the body excessively, but it can help alleviate other symptoms such as gas problems and constipation. These are all things to look out for in order to do this pose. Lie on your back. Keep your hands as you prepare for the push-ups. Raise the head slightly and lift the neck slightly back. Stand up straight as the snake spreads out the blanket. Slowly raise the shoulders and upper body. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Then return to the floor by lowering your body.

Legs up wall pose

leg up wall pose for constipation_elephant pass ayurveda and yoga retreat kerala

This pose is a reverse pose. This is done by turning the body upside down. For that you have to lie down against a wall. Place your hips close to the wall and keep your legs parallel to the wall. If necessary, a towel or blanket folded under the waist can be used to avoid discomfort. Place your hands comfortably as shown in the picture. The longer you can lie like this, the better.

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