9 Easy bedtime yoga poses for kids

Before going to bed, educate youngsters to breathe deeply, relax, and connect with themselves and their bodies by doing yoga. It’s a fun way to include thoughtful movement, meditation, and relaxation into a nighttime routine, and it requires no special equipment. Don’t push your child too hard or too far. Begin with a few poses and gradually build up. Even a few deep breaths in one yoga posture before bed can improve your child’s chances of getting better sleep at night

1.Easy pose (Sukhasana).

This fundamental stance enables your youngster to sit straight and breathe deeply through his or her nose. Focus on releasing any thoughts and worries about schooling, family troubles, friends, and so on with each exhale. After a few breaths, ask your child to place their hands in a prayer position and think about or say something they are grateful for.

2. Cat and Cow pose (BITILASANA)

Yoga pose for kids CAT AND COW POSE (BITILASANA)

It’s a basic and easy Yoga pose for kids. Moving back and forth between these two poses teaches your child how to connect movement with breath while also relieving back and neck stress. This is an excellent pose for calming the mind and reducing worry and stress.

3. Rabbit pose(SASANGASANA)

RABBIT POSE(SASANGASANA), Easy kids bedtime yoga poses

This posture is popular among children because it helps them calm their brains and ease tension in their neck and back. This calming posture assists in the relief of sadness, anxiety, and tension.



This position increases flexibility in the spine and torso while also supporting the release of tension and stress. It also increases core strength and endurance.

5. Child’s pose or Sea Turtle(BALASANA).


This traditional relaxing asana relieves lower back stress, promotes digestion, and calms a hyperactive nervous system. It also aids in the treatment of insomnia and the stimulation of sleep.

6. Butterfly Pose(BADDHA KONASANA).


This wonderful hip opener imitates butterfly wings flapping and is a great method to open your child’s hips after a long day at school. Butterfly pose also stimulates the reproductive, neurological, and respiratory systems, as well as straightening the spine.

7. Fish Pose(MATSYASANA)

FISH POSE(MATSYASANA) kids yoga poses

This asana helps us calm down and breathe deeply by opening the chest. It’s one of the best poses for lowering stress, increasing emotional regulation, and promoting general health. It also helps to ease tension in the back, neck, and shoulders by stretching them. The circulatory, pulmonary, and nervous systems are all stimulated by fish pose.

8. Bridge pose or Whale(SETU BANDHASANA).

This posture strengthens the legs and back while also expanding the chest. It increases lymphatic drainage and enhances circulation by opening blood vessels. Also strengthens the spine, energizes the body, and stimulates the endocrine and nervous systems. Bridge posture is extremely good for improving slow deep breathing by increasing lung capacity.

9. CORPSE (Savasana).

bed time yoga for kids

Traditionally, corpse posture is done at the end of a yoga sequence. It can, however, be utilised to relax the body before practice or to rest in the middle of a sequence. It helps the children to completely unwind and concentrate on their breathing. Children learn to let go of their worries in this posture so they can fall asleep quietly.

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