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Ayurveda tips for winter self care

Ayurveda tips for winter self care

The sixth chapter of sutra stanam in charaka samhita and the third chapter of sutra stanam in astanga hredayam talk about the seasonal changes that occur in the body how they affect Vata Pitta and Kapha and the dietary and lifestyle guidelines one can follow to maintain a balance of doshas during these seasons and...

Why fasting? and what are the health benefits of fasting?

Why fasting? and what are the health benefits of fasting?

Fasting is often associated with the avoidance of food or no food, although it is not the proper concept of fasting. Fasting means controlling our senses for a period of time from going to various subjects like food, sex, unnecessary talking, negative thought. We engage so much in these minor requirements of our body in...

ayurvedic lifestyle for prevention of autoimmune disease

ayurvedic lifestyle for prevention of autoimmune disease

Here are some ayurvedic lifestyle for prevention of autoimmune disease. Changes in our lifestyle, stress, toxins ingested through pesticide-laden foods, and restless running … are all disrupting our health. What are the daily routine prescribed by Ayurveda for health care? In Ayurveda, the daily routine is prescribed for achieving happy longevity. The daily routine recorded...

triphala : a true blessing of ayurveda

triphala : a true blessing of ayurveda

Triphala one of the most famous ayurvedic combinations and all over the world. which has been used for over 2,000 years in ayurvedic medicine. You can find it in the tablets one in the powder form. Triphala is actually a Sanskrit word, an powerful ancient ayurvedic remedy composed of three dried fruits.  If we divide...

joint pain Causes,types and Treatments in Ayurveda

joint pain Causes,types and Treatments in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is considered one of India’s most natural treatments for body healing. This is focused on the principle of encouraging good health instead of fighting disease. Osteoarthritis is a very serious degenerative joint condition caused by the aging of the joints, sometimes due to joint damage and most often due to obesity or overweight. Causes...

Ayurveda shirodhara – BENEFITS

Ayurveda shirodhara – BENEFITS

Do you feel tired and restless? Do you think that your daily stress can last you through depression? Then you should go for an Ayurveda Shirodhara. There are hundreds of Therapies in Ayurveda. But the most popular and all-in-one is Shirodhara. In ayurveda, the name Shirodhara comes from the classic Sanskrit word Shiro meaning forehead...